Christians Against
Mental Slavery
Links to other websites NOT primarily connected with "mind control"
The Alliance For Change, a political initiative in the UK in which the secretary of Christians Against Mental Slavery (John Allman) is involved. John was an Alliance For Change candidate in the British general election on 5 May 2005, in the Cheadle by-election on 14 July 2005, and in the Livingston by-election on 29 September 2005.
"Babel Fish" translation service. Translate automatically any block of text or any web page (especially from this site!) into a language other than English.
The Freedom Association - a traditionally right-wing (Tory-friendly and Eurosceptic) libertarian group in the UK, which the Secretary of Christians Against Mental Slavery was invited to join by the association's Campaigns Manager in 2003, after meeting him at a meeting held at the House of Commons. The association is somewhat Patrician, but nonetheless open-minded, intelligent and sincere; courageously, the Freedom Association website links to one of the Christians Against Mental Slavery websites.
"Liberty" formerly the National Council for Civil Liberties; a traditionally left-wing libertarian group in the UK which, alas, is not yet "up to speed" on mind control, though, by God's grace, that defect may yet be remedied in time for Liberty to become really useful. John Allman is a member.
The Evangelical Alliance UK - the "flagship" of British "fundamentalist" "protestant" Christianity; sadly, not yet supportive of the international movement to get what the European Parliament described as "manipulation" weapons banned, when itself calling for such weapons to be banned.
The Christian Institute - admirably politically activist UK group, but one that has proved appallingly slow to endorse this group's agenda, due to unbiblical scepticism as regards our claims. The Christian Institute is good at identifying problems British Christians should care about, raising awareness amongst Christians of the problems, and recommending that somebody do something about them. It is not quite as good at supporting anybody who does actually want to do anything about the problems, or in suggesting what anybody could do, other than to pray, and to write to those causing the problems in the first place, kindly asking them to stop.
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