Christians Against Mental Slavery


Site Index


Home page including details of how to contact us

Introduction including links to key pages

Members - a list of those who have joined the group

Manifesto - the changes we want the world's politicians to make with all haste

Basis of faith - what we believe, especially about the Lord Jesus Christ

Anthem - an anthem to lift the spirits of mind control victims

Endorsements of our political position by well-known people

Bible study, to provide a Christian perspective on the problem

Political activism - details of John Allman's letter writing campaign

The Houston Speech - given by John Allman at a Civil Right Rally, 30 July 2004

Scientific research - papers by John McMurtrey + CAMS factsheets

Supporting alleged targeted individuals - a "Good Samaritan" ministry

Links to specific articles

Links to other "mind control" sites - a plethora or information for those minded to care

Links to sites which are NOT focussed upon "mind control" - off topic, but worthwhile!

How you can help with our campaign - please do, because you should and you can

What's new? - a page which will be updated frequently, as events unfold