THAT ' Fund

The Harassment and Torture Charity


1 Cotswold Court, Albert Street, Fleet, Hants. GU51 3XZ. United Kingdom






Goals paper 1


Remote torture-related goals






Draft date: 15 May 2007


Author:  John Allman


Intended readership: The trustees












Context and purpose of this paper


Scene-setting quotes


Undesirable features of the status quo -v- long-term goals


Medium-term goals


Short-term goals

1              Context and purpose of this paper


The trust was formed partly to fill a gap in provision of services, a gap relating to remote torture.  Other existing organisations address torture in general.  Some, like the World Organisation Against Torture, acknowledge acts of torture perpetrated remotely, but do not place much emphasis upon them.  Others, like Amnesty International, do not even acknowledge that such acts of torture are feasible.  None of them provide practical help to the alleged victims of remote torture (or of remote harassment that some might argue fell short of full torture.)


The trustees have asked the author to identify goals.  The trust's objects are drawn sufficiently widely to permit the application of funds other than to work in connection with remote torture, but an early programme of activities that will distinguish this trust from all others will be that it expressly sets out to address the problem of hi-tech remote torture and harassment.  The author has therefore responded in the first instance with this paper, which identifies goals in connection with remote torture and harassment.



2          Scene-setting quotes


"There is abundant evidence in the public domain that non-lethal weapons research is ongoing and funded annually in the tens of millions of dollars, or more. Given the fact that chemical and biological weapons, mind control drugs and radiation have been tested on unwitting civilian populations, it is possible that non-lethal weapons have also been tested on unwitting citizens... To date, organized and academic medicine have acted as if non-lethal weapons do not exist." [Emphasis the author's] - Dr. Colin A. Ross, Psychiatrist, p. 106 of Bluebird: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality By Psychiatrists


"Non-lethal weapons is a broad category which includes devices for beaming various kinds of energy at human targets in order to temporarily incapacitate them, or to control or affect their behavior. Non-lethal weapons research has been conducted at universities in the United States on contract to the CIA, and has overlapped with research on hallucinogens and brain electrode implants. Funding of the experiments began in MKULTRA." - Dr. Colin A. Ross, Psychiatrist, p. 103 of Bluebird: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality By Psychiatrists


“[The European Parliament] calls for an international convention introducing a global ban on all developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings” - Resolution A4-0005/99 Paragraph 27


Electro-Magnetic (EM) weapons are one of the newest and most serious military developments in the world today. Enormous secrecy surrounds their development … Unless this development is stopped, we are entering an Orwellian '1984' type scenario, which could potentially permanently transfer enormous power to those in control of the technology. … We regard the unsuccessful attempts in the 70s … to have these weapons controlled by a UN Convention as having been a major missed opportunity, which has now led to a new arms race in this field. We have sought to renew the attempt … to outlaw these weapons and the research that leads to them, primarily that concerning external manipulation of the human central nervous system. - Dr Caroline Lucas MEP, 2004 (Dr Lucas was a medical doctor before she stood for the election to the European Parliament)


“counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders”the apostle Paul, the bible, 2 Thessalonians 2:9


Voice to skull devices. Nonlethal weapons which includes (1) a neuro-electromagnetic device which uses microwave transmission of sound into the skull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation; and (2) a silent sound device which can transmit sound into the skull of persons or animals. NOTE: the sound modulation may be voice or audio subliminal messages. Acronym: V2K - US Army Military Thesaurus, Center for Army Lessons Learnt, For Leavenworth


“… let me be frank: for reasons of national security no one in Government, that's no one, will ever do anything other than neither confirm nor deny whether UK has access to … ‘V2K weapons’. They will deny there is any experimentation on the minds of arbitrary members of the public …” – Simon Watkin, Team Leader, Covert Investigation Policy Team, Intelligence and Security Liaison Unit, The Home Office, writing to the author on 15 November 2006


“[Your constituent] … asked ‘whether the UK has access to V2K weapons’.  It has been the policy of successive governments, in the interests of protecting national security, neither to confirm nor [to] deny the capability of our national security mechanisms.” – Dr John Reid, Home Secretary, writing to an opposition MP on 24 November 2006


“Isn't what we want to call public attention to Remote Targeting by Directed Energy Weapons?” – Carole Smith, Australian Psychotherapist practising in London, 7 October 2006


“Nowadays, you don't have to be locked up at Guantanamo Bay, or in Abu Ghraib prison, in order to be tortured. You can be tortured at home, even in your own bed.” – the author, paraphrasing Carole Smith above


“The only continent of the world from which I have never received an appeal for help from an alleged victim of individually-targeted electronic harassment is Antarctica.” – the author


“I would not open windows into men's souls” - Queen Elizabeth I


"If there were no capacity for monitoring subjects' unarticulated verbal responses, abusing individuals using what the military calls V2K weapons would be as pointless as trying to play darts in a darkroom." - the author


"[Technological thought reading by] the law enforcement agencies and the intelligence services [of the UK] … [is] subject to independent oversight by the Office of the Surveillance Commissioners and the Intelligence Services Commissioner …"

- Intelligence and Security Liaison Unit, The Home Office, 2004


"The research was predicated on existing evidence that verbal ideas or thoughts are subvocally represented in the muscles of the vocal apparatus.  If the patterns of this muscle activity are at all similar to those involved in normal overt speech, a reasonable assumption is that electrical activity of the brain during verbal thinking may be similar to that during overt speech. … It was determined that, if all the sources of error could be eliminated, significant gains in correct word classification using biological responses would be achieved (perhaps approaching 90% or better). … EEG responses for covert speech mimicked those of overt speech … correct computer classification … was significant at p < 0.001.  We conclude that both overt and covert speech [(verbal thinking)] can be identified by computer classification of electrophysiological responses"

Dr Lawrence Pinneo et al, 1975


“the secret power of lawlessness” - 2 Thessalonians 2:7


“… the Investigatory Powers Tribunal … provides remedies where a public authority acts in a way that is incompatible with a human right.” - Dr John Reid, Home Secretary, writing to an opposition MP on 30 October  2006


"The Investigatory Powers Tribunal has never upheld a complaint since it was formed" - Intelligence and Security Liaison Unit, The Home Office, 2003


"We need a program … for political control of our society.  The purpose is physical control of the mind [of] everyone who deviates from the given norm.  The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view.  This lacks historical perspective.  Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal.  We must electrically control the brain.  Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain." - Dr Jose Delgado, a publicly-funded pioneer of the technology of Electrical Stimulation of the Brain (ESB); his remarks as they appeared in the February 24, 1974 edition of the Congressional Record, No. 262E, Vol. 118


"If we're not willing to use [electromagnetic directed energy weapons] here against our fellow citizens, then we should not be willing to use [them] in a wartime situation."  United States Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne, Tuesday 12 September 2006


“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.” - J. Edgar Hoover, former Director of the FBI




3          Undesirable features of the status quo -v- long-term goals


This section of the paper consists of pairs of statements (or sets of statements).  The first statement (or set) in each pair is a statement that is true, in the opinion of the author, about the present “climate”, the status quo.  The second statement in each pair is one that the author would like to be true about a future “climate”.  This section thus defines long term goals, which might take a decade or so to achieve, even given adequate funding.  The abbreviation TI is used throughout to denote the self-explanatory phrase "targeted individual".  Naturally, all TIs are technically merely "alleged" TIs.


3.1       Public education


Today, the families and friends of TIs typically dismiss TIs’ testimony of abuse out of hand.  This is largely because the phenomena to which TIs testify are poorly acknowledged and publicised by trusted sources, such as the political class, academia, the mainstream mass media, faith community leaders and the medical profession.


We aspire that in future the families and friends of alleged TIs will not typically dismiss their claims out hand, because, those families and friends form part of general public better educated as a result of the fund’s efforts, and because (amongst other trusted sources) the political class, academia, the mainstream mass media, faith community leaders and the medical profession have acknowledged the problem publicly.


3.2       Academic research


Most previous and ongoing scientific research that presents the case for remote torture being feasible or which set out to develop counter-measures, has been undertaken by amateurs, and other than under the auspices of respectable universities.


In future, a great deal of the research will be conducted professionally and under the oversight of universities and/or equally respectable institutions.


3.3       Reception centres/centres of excellence


Targeted individuals would often benefit from periods of residence in reception centres which were also centres of excellence, staffed by personnel with expertise in dealing with TIs, but there is no provision.


There will be enough reception centre provision to meet worldwide demand, and enough expertise for this provision to be beneficial.


3.4       Empowerment


Mutual support group meetings of TIs are attended only by a minority of self-declared TIs, because of the cost of attending such meetings.  Many TIs live in poverty.


Attendance will be subsidised or fully financed for TIs in poverty.  Grants will be made to TIs in order to relieve poverty.  Assistance with finding employment, and support in continuing in employment, will be provided.  Being a TI will be recognised as a disability, for the purposes of the UK's Disability Discrimination Act, and similar legislation in other jurisdictions.

3.5       Advocacy and litigation


TIs often need lay advocacy in non-judicial or quasi-judicial confrontations, and legal advice and representation in regarding formal litigation, but provision is inadequate and unfunded.


Future provision of such services will be adequate to meet demand, and will be subsidised or fully financed for TIs in poverty.


3.6       The media


There is little or no mass media coverage of the issue of remote torture.  Consequently, there probably exist numerous TIs who either are unable to consider the possibility that they might be TIs or are vulnerable to the "delusion of grandeur" that they are unique, as opposed to being just one of many TIs worldwide.  Their efforts to explain their plight are often inept, and counter-productive insofar as their explanations tend to mimic the symptoms of psychoses.


There will be mass media coverage of the issue of remote torture commensurate with the importance of the issue.  The consequences identified of the issue being so poorly publicised will be ameliorated or eliminated.


3.7       Faith communities


TIs complain that when they turn to faith community leaders for help, they receive none.


Faith community leaders will be aware that there are TIs, and willing and able to offer them help if and when approached for help.


3.8       Medicine


Medical science does not acknowledge the existence of remote torture (see first quote above by the American psychiatrist Colin Ross) and has not developed scientific diagnostic tests that add credibility to, or subtract credibility from, the subjective self-diagnoses of alleged TIs.  The promulgated diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia and persistent delusional disorder have evolved over decades in such a manner as to place TIs at unprecedented risk of stigmatising psychiatric diagnoses delivered summarily, diagnoses which discredit their testimony.


Medicine will acknowledge the condition, have diagnostic tests for distinguishing it from other conditions, and will co-operate in the cross-referral in both directions of individuals between remote torture centres of excellence and conventional medical facilities.


3.9       The political class


Such openly expressed political support as there is for addressing at the political level the menace to human rights posed by remote torture capabilities is sparse, and has not translated into determined political action.  TIs who seek help from their elected representatives typically receive no help whatsoever.


Ignorance as to the seriousness of the situation will no longer feature as one of the reasons for political inaction or lack of help to TIs on the part of elected representatives.   (It would be ultra vires for a charitable trust to spend money addressing any other reasons for political inaction or lack of help.)

3.10     Reaching TIs and their associates


There are probably a large number of TIs who are not aware that so much work has already been done on the subject of remote torture, and who are therefore isolated and afraid, and possibly mentally ill as a result of this.  Their families and friends are usually equally unaware.


It will have become less likely that any TI, or any TI's family and friends, will remain who are completely unaware of the existence nowadays of individually targeted remote torture and harassment.



3.11     Other agencies


There are many trusts, political groups, etc that deal with torture in general.  None of them deal adequately with TIs who approach them for help.  They don't even refer them to those specialising in this field.


Every agency that deals with torture will have in place a procedure for helping TIs, even it amounts only to referring TIs to another agency, such as this trust.


3.12     Reduced incidence


The low level of awareness in key sections of the population and amongst the general public as a whole ensures that there is little apart from self-regulation and limited budget that restrains the remote torture industry.


Increased public awareness of remote torture will have led to a reduction in the practice.


3.13     Counter-measures


At present, there is no method of protecting oneself against remote torture.


In future, there will be methods of protecting oneself against remote torture.


4          Medium-term goals


4.1       At least one reception centre


At least one reception centre will be up and running.


4.2       Liaison with other sectors


Channels of communication will have been opened with key sectors, such as the mass media, academia, the medical profession and the most influential faith community leaders, and other players in the same sector.


4.3       Advocacy


We will have become able at least to meet the demand in the UK for advocacy services.


4.4       Professional services


We will have access to the professional services of sufficient lawyers, psychiatrists, psychotherapists and other relevant professionals to meet demand in the UK.


4.5       Academic respectability


At least one literature review paper, probably one by John McMurtrey, will have been published in a peer-reviewed learned journal that is PubMed-indexed.


5          Short-term goals


5.1       "Sales pitch" training and materials


A documented, systematic "sales pitch" method of "closing customers" on a "staircase" of preliminary propositions will be developed.  This method will be "product-neutral".  That is to say, it can be used equally effectively to get members of the general public on our side, whatever it is we want from them, once they are on our side.  Whatever "sale" we hope to "close", after we have closed the customer, one by one, on all the preliminary propositions (disbelieving any one of which would be an obstacle to closing a "sale"), the same method can be used right up until the final stage of closing the desired "sale".


For example, when the customer is an academic with a doctorate, we might wish him or her to agree to co-author a paper we are trying to get published in a learned journal, written by a scholar with only a masters degree.  If a customer is a millionaire, we might wish him or her to make a large donation.  When our "customers" are the relatives of TIs, we might wish them to place greater credence in their loved-ones' testimonies of abuse.  And so on.  Whatever we are trying to "sell", the majority of the sales pitch will have the same structure and content, with only the levels of detail, intellectual rigour and effort applied, and the final "close", needing to be adjusted.


5.2       Charitable status and Gift Aid


The trust must acquire charitable status, and become registered with the Inland Revenue under the Gift Aid scheme.


5.3       Teamwork


To form a team of TIs and non-affected activists who are competent to assist one another and others in advocacy and to disseminate information already known.


5.4       Remuneration and expenses


The trust must raise enough money for the trustees to be able to authorise remuneration and reimbursement of expenses for those who work for the trust.