Christians Against Mental Slavery



5th European Symposium on Non-Lethal Weapons – Ettlingen, Germany, 11-13 May 2009


Announcement and call for papers



The committee of the European Working Group on Non-Lethal Weapons invited a member of the Christians Against Mental Slavery group (John Allman - UK) to deliver a presentation at a discussion forum of the symposium on the social implications of non-lethal weapons, on Monday 11 May.  Walter Madliger (Switzerland – a member of Verein gegen geheime Experimente am Menschen (Association against secret experimentations on humans), also presented a paper, which he had co-authored with that group’s founder, Andreas Friedberger (Germany), and Swetlana Schunin (Germany), chairperson of Verein gegen Missbrauch psychophysischer Waffen e.V. (Association against the abuse of psychophysical weapons).



Walter’s paper: Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights


Abstract - Full text



John’s paper: Ethical and societal implications of capacity for privacy-invasive remote interrogation and behavioural influence applications


Abstract - Summary - Overhead projector transparencies



Colonel John B Alexander heard both presentations at the symposium.  He also attended, to hear that material again, the Tuesday evening reception (a sort of “fringe meeting” of the symposium, held partly for the benefit of any symposium delegates who had missed Walter and John’s presentations, or who wanted to learn or to discuss more.)  Col Alexander made no attempt to refute Walter’s presentation at either venue.  He conceded, in front of numerous witnesses, at both venues, that John’s presentation contained no false assertions, whilst taking exception to the “religious” content during the final slide.  However, Col Alexander reiterated that he was not “aware” of any actual deployments of the theoretical capabilities John had correctly documented.


Verein gegen Missbrauch psychophysischer Waffen e.V. organised a demonstration outside the symposium venue throughout the three days of proceedings.



Photographs and fact sheet by Karlheinz Croissant (Germany)

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